Friday, August 28, 2009

My Books

Ok, I posted these pix on my facebook. I have about 3o-something books that I've read (or am currently reading) that I've acquired in the past year & a half.

My BOS; Wicca by S Cunningham; Living Wicca by S Cunningham; Green Witchcraft1,2,3 by A Moura; Green Magic by A Moura; Spiral Dance by Starhawk; Healing Craft by S&J Farrar; Witches' Bible by S&J Farrar; Witchcraft Today by G Gardner; Wicca for Beginners by T Sabin; Wicca by V Crowley; ABC of Witchcraft by D Valiente; Witches' Grimoire by J Nock; Wiccan Year by J Nock; The Way of the Green Witch by A Murphy-Hiscock; The Way of the Hedgewitch by A Murphy-Hiscock; Llewellyn's 2008 Witches' Companion; Llewellyn's 2010 Witches' Companion; Llewellyn's 2009 Magical Almanac; LLewellyn's 2007 Witches' Datebook; Witches' Almanac 2008/09; Witches' Almanac 2009/10; Inner Temple of Witchcraft by C Penczak; The Secret World of Witchcraft by J Karl; Sabbats by E McCoy; my other BOS.

On this shelf I have a container of altar supplies (candles, incense holder, Athame, cauldrons, Pentacle, altar cloths). On top of the container I have a couple more altar cloths and a huge binder that I also use as a BOS. The books are:
Priestess of the Forest by EE Hopman; Simply Faeries by R Harvey; Faery Magic by S Knight; Clan of the Goddess by CC Bronwen; Inner Temple of Withcraft Companion CDs by C Penczak.


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