Hi there, I've been a solitary, eclectic pagan for about 20 years, off & on. I have always felt the draw of the Goddess & have acknowledged Her even when I really wasn't practicing. I'm not Wiccan & I really don't strictly follow a Celtic or Asatru path. I'm not into a lot of New Age hoo-ha that has infiltrated Paganism. I'm currently reading into the 1734 Tradition & Clan of Tubal Cain. I read books on Traditional Witchcraft, the Occult, The Robert Cochrane Letters, Evan John Jones, Doreen Valiente, Robin Artisson, Peter Paddon. I'm on a few Yahoo groups devoted to these topics, as well as others. I tend to stay away Llewellyn books, as I tend to find them on the "Fluffy" side of things. I'm currently learning all about the lost art of Enchantment through gesture & Visceral Magick. I am also a student of Southern & Appalachian Conjure.
Within the last couple of months, I have been starting to collect Faery figurines. The store where I usually go to get them had a few months where they didn't carry them, as a competitive store was also selling them (the store was right next door). I did find one faery at a gas station where they sell gifts, go figure!! One is a trinket box where I keep some crystals in it. There is a faery that I want that I will get tomorrow...she's a Witchy Faery, complete with a pointed hat & crystal ball. Actually, I want the whole damn collection!!! They have a couple of faeries with the Green Man.
So, here are my pix of what I have collected so far.
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