Sunday, June 27, 2010

Artists On My Itunes

2 posts ago I had mentioned that iTunes is one of my "new" things I enjoy doing. I had a response about listing who I listen to. I will list the artists, but not all the songs, as there are far too many. Here goes, in no particular order:

Alicia Bonnet
Heather Alexander
Emerald Rose
Starhawk & Reclaiming
Loreena McKennit
Inkubus Sukubus
Lindie Lila
Gary Stadler & Wendy Rule
Coleen Rhalen Renee
Blackmore's Night
Spiral Rhythm
Alice DiMichele
Tina Malia
Gaia Consort
David & Steve Gordon


Rue said...

There are several artists here I haven't heard of - I'm going to check them out - thanks!

I do love Kellianna though, and Wendy Rule!

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