Hi there, I've been a solitary, eclectic pagan for about 20 years, off & on. I have always felt the draw of the Goddess & have acknowledged Her even when I really wasn't practicing. I'm not Wiccan & I really don't strictly follow a Celtic or Asatru path. I'm not into a lot of New Age hoo-ha that has infiltrated Paganism. I'm currently reading into the 1734 Tradition & Clan of Tubal Cain. I read books on Traditional Witchcraft, the Occult, The Robert Cochrane Letters, Evan John Jones, Doreen Valiente, Robin Artisson, Peter Paddon. I'm on a few Yahoo groups devoted to these topics, as well as others. I tend to stay away Llewellyn books, as I tend to find them on the "Fluffy" side of things. I'm currently learning all about the lost art of Enchantment through gesture & Visceral Magick. I am also a student of Southern & Appalachian Conjure.
Thanks to Mrs B. over at Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom for making me this here button. She's the bestest ever!! If you want, please add it to your blog.
I added your button!
I added your button.
love the new button....
I grabbed your button and added it to my blog as well!
Lovely button Rowan...of course it's going straight on my blog!
Thank you so much for adding my button!! It makes me so happy that there are peole following this lil ol' blog
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