Hi there, I've been a solitary, eclectic pagan for about 20 years, off & on. I have always felt the draw of the Goddess & have acknowledged Her even when I really wasn't practicing. I'm not Wiccan & I really don't strictly follow a Celtic or Asatru path. I'm not into a lot of New Age hoo-ha that has infiltrated Paganism. I'm currently reading into the 1734 Tradition & Clan of Tubal Cain. I read books on Traditional Witchcraft, the Occult, The Robert Cochrane Letters, Evan John Jones, Doreen Valiente, Robin Artisson, Peter Paddon. I'm on a few Yahoo groups devoted to these topics, as well as others. I tend to stay away Llewellyn books, as I tend to find them on the "Fluffy" side of things. I'm currently learning all about the lost art of Enchantment through gesture & Visceral Magick. I am also a student of Southern & Appalachian Conjure.
These simple sachets are easy to make, and you can either use them as ornaments on your holiday tree, or give them away as gifts. You'll need the following:
* Bay * Cloves * Juniper berries * Orange peel, grated * Orris root * Peppermint * Pine * Rosemary * Squares of your favorite holiday fabric * Colorful ribbon * Cinnamon sticks * Small bells
Mix the herbs together in a bowl. Blend varying proportions of each until you've got the scent you want -- here's a hint: start small!
Use a spoon to place the blended herbs into the center of a square of fabric. Pull the corners up and tie with the ribbon. Tie a cinnamon stick and a couple of bells in place as well. Use a second piece of ribbon to create a loop so you can hang the sachet if you like.
Timesaver tip: you can buy small tulle bags in holiday colors and spoon the herb blend into them. Pull the drawstring closed and tie shut, then hang up on your tree, or give them to a friend.
Yule is the time of year when Pagans and Wiccans celebrate the Winter Solstice. If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, this will be on around December 21, but if you're below the Equator, your Yule celebration will fall in June. This Sabbat is considered the longest night of the year, and following Yule, the sun begins its long journey back to earth. Try some or even all of these ideas -- obviously, space may be a limiting factor for some, but use what calls to you most.
Colors of the Season:
Winter is here, and even if the snow hasn't fallen yet, there's a definite chill in the air. Use cold colors to decorate your altar, such as blues and silvers and whites. Also find ways to include thereds, whites and greens of the season. Evergreen boughs never go out of style, so add some dark greens as well. Cover your altar with a cloth in a cool color, and then add candles in a variety of different wintery shades. Use candles in silvers and golds -- and sparkle is always good too!
Symbols of Winter:
Yule is a Sabbat that reflects the return of the sun, so add solar symbols to your altar. Gold discs, yellow candles, anything bright and shiny can represent the sun. Some people even get a large pillar candle, inscribe it with solar symbols, and designate it as their sun candle. You can also add evergreen boughs, sprigs of holly, pinecones, aYule log, and even Santa Claus.Consider antlers or reindeer, along with other symbols of fertility.
Other Signs of the Season:
There's no limit to the number of things you can put on your Yule altar, as long as you've got the space. Consider some of these items as part of your Sabbat decor:
Many cultures have winter festivals that are in fact celebrations of light. In addition to Christmas, there's Hanukkah with its brightly lit menorahs, Kwanzaa candles, and any number of other holidays. The Pagan holiday called Yule takes place on the day of the winter solstice, around December 21. On that day (or close to it), an amazing thing happens in the sky. The earth's axis tilts away from the sun in the Northern Hemisphere, and the sun reaches at its greatest distance from the equatorial plane. As a festival of the Sun, the most important part of any Yule celebration is light -- candles, bonfires, and more.
Origins of Yule: In the Northern hemisphere, the winter solstice has been celebrated for millenia. The Norse peoples viewed it as a time for much feasting, merrymaking, and, if the Icelandic sagas are to be believed, a time of sacrifice as well. Traditional customs such as the Yule log, the decorated tree, and wassailing can all be traced back to Norse origins.
Celtic Celebrations of Winter:
The Celts of the British Isles celebrated midwinter as well. Although little is known about the specifics of what they did, many traditions persist. According to the writings of Pliny the Elder, this is the time of year in which Druid priests sacrificed a white bull and gathered mistletoe in celebration.
Roman Saturnalia:
Few cultures knew how to party like the Romans. Saturnalia was a festival of general merrymaking and debauchery held around the time of the winter solstice. This week-long party was held in honor of the god Saturn, and involved sacrifices, gift-giving, special privileges for slaves, and a lot of feasting. Although this holiday was partly about giving presents, more importantly, it was to honor an agricultural god.
Welcoming the Sun Through the Ages:
Four thousand years ago, the Ancient Egyptians took the time to celebrate the daily rebirth of Horus - the god of the Sun. As their culture flourished and spread throughout Mesopotamia, other civilizations decided to get in on the sun-welcoming action. They found that things went really well... until the weather got cooler, and crops began to die. Each year, this cycle of birth, death and rebirth took place, and they began to realize that every year after a period of cold and darkness, the Sun did indeed return.
Winter festivals were also common in Greece and Rome, as well as in the British Isles. When a new religion called Christianity popped up, the new hierarchy had trouble converting the Pagans, and as such, folks didn't want to give up their old holidays. Christian churches were built on old Pagan worship sites, and Pagan symbols were incorporated into the symbolism of Christianity. Within a few centuries, the Christians had everyone worshipping a new holiday celebrated on December 25.
In some traditions of Wicca and Paganism, the Yule celebration comes from the Celtic legend of the battle between the young Oak King and the Holly King. The Oak King, representing the light of the new year, tries each year to usurp the old Holly King, who is the symbol of darkness. Re-enactment of the battle is popular in some Wiccan rituals.
At the Winter Solstice, we celebrate Children's Day to honour our children and to bring warmth, light and cheerfulness into the dark time of the year. Holidays such as this have their origin as "holy days". They are the way human beings mark the sacred times in the yearly cycle of life.
In the northern latitudes, midwinter's day has been an important time for celebration throughout the ages. On this shortest day of the year, the sun is at its lowest and weakest, a pivot point from which the light will grow stronger and brighter. This is the turning point of the year. The romans called it Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun.
The Roman midwinter holiday, Saturnalia, was both a gigantic fair and a festival of the home. Riotous merry-making took place, and the halls of houses were decked with boughs of laurel and evergreen trees. Lamps were kept burning to ward off the spirits of darkness. Schools were closed, the army rested, and no criminals were executed. Friends visited one another, bringing good-luck gifts of fruit, cakes, candles, dolls, jewellery, and incense. Temples were decorated with evergreens symbolizing life's continuity, and processions of people with masked or blackened faces and fantastic hats danced through the streets.
The custom of mummers visiting their neighbours in costume, which is still alive in Newfoundland, is descended from these masked processions.
Roman masters feasted with slaves, who were given the freedom to do and say what they liked (the medieval custom of all the inhabitants of the manor, including servants and lords alike, sitting down together for a great Christmas feast, came from this tradition). A Mock King was appointed to take charge of the revels (the Lord of Misrule of medieval Christmas festivities had his origin here).
In pagan Scandinavia the winter festival was the yule (or juul). Great yule logs were burned, and people drank mead around the bonfires listening to minstrel-poets singing ancient legends. It was believed that the yule log had the magical effect of helping the sun to shine more brightly.
Mistletoe, which was sacred because it mysteriously grew on the most sacred tree, the oak, was ceremoniously cut and a spray given to each family, to be hung in the doorways as good luck. The celtic Druids also regarded mistletoe as sacred. Druid priests cut it from the tree on which it grew with a golden sickle and handed it to the people, calling it All-Heal. To hang it over a doorway or in a room was to offer goodwill to visitors. Kissing under the mistletoe was a pledge of friendship. Mistletoe is still forbidden in most Christian churches because of its Pagan associations, but it has continued to have a special place in home celebrations.
In the third century various dates, from December to April, were celebrated by Christians as Christmas. January 6 was the most favoured day because it was thought to be Jesus' baptismal day (in the Greek Orthodox Church this continues to be the day to celebrate Christmas). Around 350, December 25 was adopted in Rome and gradually almost the entire Christian Church agreed to that date, which coincided with Winter Solstice, the Yule and the Saturnalia. The merry side of Saturnalia was adopted to the observance of Christmas. By 1100 Christmas was the peak celebration of the year for all of Europe. During the 16th century, under the influence of the Reformation, many of the old customs were suppressed and the Church forbade processions, colourful ceremonies, and plays.
In 1647 in England, Parliament passed a law abolishing Christmas altogether. When Charles II came to the throne, many of the customs were revived, but the feasting and merrymaking were now more worldly than religious.
Here in Nova Scotia outdoor coloured lights play an important part in the local celebration of the mid-winter season. With the day turning to darkness so early in the North, it is cheering to look out into the cold and dark at lights sparkling and glittering in the crisp air.
Our celebration of Children's Day is inspired not only by the pagan celebrations of mid-winter but arises also out of the Japanese holidays of Boy's Day and Doll's Day, which are two separate days in the spring, when boys and girls of a certain age are presented to the temple and honoured with special gifts. The Shambhala Children's Shrine is modeled after the display of ancestral dolls traditional in homes on Doll's Day.
Our sangha is our village, our clan, our family. Our children belong to all of us, and are bright reminders of the future of Buddhism. We celebrate them and the Great Eastern Sun together at the darkest time of the year, with open-hearth parties and cheerful festivities.
~~The Unconquered Sun first appeared as an article by Janet Shotwell in The Karma Dzong Banner (Vol III, No 11, December 1991, Halifax, Nova Scotia).
* Animals: reindeer, the stag, mouse, deer, horse, bear
Yule Customs and Origins
Nearly every ancient culture held a celebration to mark the shortest day of the year and the return of the Sun. Celebrated annually on the Winter Solstice, generally falling on December 20th or December 21st, it is known as Yule, and serves as the origin for many Christmas traditions.
Celtic tradition holds life as a cycle rather than a linear state, and also teaches that what is exoteric is intrinsic, what is within is without . At the time of the Winter Solstice as the earth is undergoing the process of death to rebirth and renewal, so also must the human soul. Yule marks that spiral of time when the old sun surrenders its life in order that the new one might come. This corresponds to the belief that the Celtic Sun God, Bel was interrelated with the Celtic Death God, Bile. As with the celebration of Litha, the two Gods appear in form as the Oak King and the Holly King battling for supremacy. This is only one reason that the Druids were initially so accepting of Christianity with Christ as the human embodiment of the new Sun. It is also one of the reasons that Christmas is celebrated at this time, both from a pagan perspective and a spiritually metaphorical one.
The Yule Log
Although not recorded in the Coligny (the Celtic Calendar which dates back to the first century A.D) as one of the great fire festivals, the custom of lighting the Yule log is derived from the Celtic tradition of tending a continual hearth fire to keep spirits from entering the home. In order to keep the fire burning, a large tree was cut down and brought into the home, where the tree was placed trunk first in the hearth and the last remnants of it set aside to burn with the next year's fire.
Yule is a solar festival and one of the Minor Sabbats. This is when the Goddess gives birth to the God. The Sun represents the God reborn. Fires are lit to welcome him. The ancient Pagans had rituals to hasten the end of winter and bring in the spring when nature’s bounty would, again, prevail. The day is a reminder that death isn’t final; there will be rebirth.
The Celebration
The altar cloth is green and candles are red, gold and white in silver holders, the colors of Yule. Holly, ivy, evergreens, mistletoe and fruit studded with cloves decorate the altar as well as the Yule crystals: ruby, cat’s eye, garnets, bloodstone, diamonds and emerald. Incense is myrrh, frankincense, cedar, pine, bayberry or cinnamon.
The tree is adorned with strings of popcorn and cranberries, quartz crystals wrapped wire, oranges, apples and lemons and small sachet bags with cinnamon, rosemary and bay leaves. Wishes written in parchment are hung from holly branches. The Yule log is lit and a piece of it is saved to protect the home and for next year’s celebration.
Love, camaraderie and accomplishments of the past year are celebrated. Reflection is on aspirations for the next year.
Love and accomplishments of the past year are also celebrated. This is also a good time to reflect on your achievements of the last year and what you desire to achieve in the coming year.
1 cup Butter (room temp) ½ cup Brown sugar 1 Egg yolk 1 tsp Vanilla 2 cups Flour 1 tsp Baking soda
Pre-heat oven to 300F. Cream together in a bowl butter & brown sugar. Add the egg yolk & vanilla and beat until fluffy. Blend in another bowl the flour, baking soda. Add to cream mixture & combine well. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface. Roll to ¼” thickness. Cut into shapes with lightly floured cookie cutters. Bake at 300F for 8-10 minutes. Cool before adding icing.
1.In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and brown sugar. Beat in molasses and egg. Combine the flour, baking soda, ginger, salt, cinnamon and cloves; add to the creamed mixture alternately with water. Mix well. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour or until easy to handle.
2.On a well-floured surface, roll out dough to 1/4-in. thickness. Cut with a rocking horse cookie cutter or cutter of your choice dipped in flour. Place 2 in. apart on greased baking sheets. Bake at 350 degrees F for 9-11 minutes or until edges are firm. Remove to wire racks to cool.
So, I needed a pick-me-up yesterday, I headed into my Pagan store to look around. Ok, I just can't go in & look around without getting something. I ended leaving the store after about a half hour with a goodie-bag filled with assorted crystals, new Sandalwood incense and a book.
The book is called, "Spellcraft for Hedge Witches" by Rae Beth. I'm not at all familiar with her & her writings. I started into the book last night before going to sleep. I like it, in spite of the fact I know nothing of the author. If any of you out there know about her, let me know.
My little goodie bag of crystals had about 9 stones on it, along with descriptions of them. I got a clear quartz, moonstone, jasper, 2 pyrite, jade, kyanite, blue lace agate, & magnesite. The only stone without a description was the magnesite, which resembles a wad of chewed up gum. I Googled it and this is what I found:
"helps with motivation, visualization, grounds intellect, cell purification, convulsions, bones and teeth and helps lessen PMS"
Ok, been over at my other blog, the mundane one. I created it back in the spring, but it got neglected these past few months. If you are a fan of Twilight, Robert Pattinson, etc. then head on over. The name of it is Rob Pattinson & Twilight Saga. I just spent the day re-doing it. I added a new background, new widgets, pix, videos. It is still a work in progress. I have a lot more to add to it.
Looking over the older posts, I saw pix from last spring when they were shooting New Moon and Rob's new movie, Remember Me (Mar 12, 2010). It seems like it was last week when I posted those, not 5-6 months ago.
I hope you like it. Follow it, if you want, either through Facebook or on the blog. Leave me some feedback there, too. :-)
Hey there!! I know I haven't been on as much, my bad. There's nothing new going on right now with me, except that I joined the unemployed yesterday. But don't worry, I'm a resilient gal who always bounces back, like a red rubber ball.
Found a really cool site that you all may like. A friend on Facebook recommended it to me. It's the Pagan Radio Network. You can stream it from Windows Media Player, Quicktime, iTunes, etc. It's all Pagan music. There are podcasts there, as well. I'm listening to it right now as I blog.
I've been noticing already that some of the other blogs I follow are decorated for Yule. It's hard to believe that the Solstice will be upon us in a few short weeks. I started putting out my outside icicle lights on my patio, since the weather here is uncommonly mild for November. This time last year we were under 30cm of snow. Speaking of Yule, I had designs on getting myself a really nice Yule basket that I saw at the Sacred Mists Shoppe. It's a basket filled with yummy goodies to help you this Sabbat. There are incenses, an altar cloth, candles, a mini besom, etc. But now as I am jobless, I will hopefully get the Imbolg basket instead. They offer baskets for the 8 Sabbats.
Ok, if you haven't figured it out, I am a Twihard. I'm a 35 yr old Twilight freak!! I saw New Moon on Thursday night, it was a sneak peak showing. All I have to say is: "Holy Crap, Batman!!" It is a little over 2 hrs long. Lots of bare chests (Note to self: Don't look at Taylor Lautner, he's old enough to be your son) and a sparkly Edward. The movie has a good pace to it and it follows the book about 90%. I did have to laugh at the girlfriends dragging their boyfriends to this movie. There was a huge group of gay guys who gasped everytime you see Jacob shirtless.. I had a really good time. Now I can't wait for it to come out onto DVD this spring.
Oh, before I forget, I became a member this week of the Black Hat Society. Yay!! Thanks, Jennifer for accepting me. From what I can see, there are a few other Canadians there. It's a great group, I've been on joining groups, reading posts, getting to know the group of wonderful witches there. I love it!!
Well, I haven't been blogging that much this week. There's been a lot of things going on. At work, I got my notice yesterday that I will be getting laid-off. Saturday will be last day at the salon. It hasn't been busy, so I haven't been making commission, so they're letting me go. I should be upset, losing at job this time of the year when I have a little boy to think about for Christmas, but I feel confident in whatever the Goddess has in store for me. I know what I learned from this job and I take that knowledge with me when I move onto my next job. Mark's all boughten for Christmas, so he's covered in terms of gifts...I'm one of those anal-retentive people who hates shopping during the holidays, so I do it throughout the year.
In other news, I had a stressful weekend. My 2nd set of house keys went missing. I suspected my neighbour's roommate, Jeff, of taking them. He came by on Saturday for a chat. He smokes, so he went out on the patio but kept the door open so we could still talk. He asked for a glass of water, so I went into the kitchen & got him one. That was the perfect time for him to take them. Back Story: his roommate has been selling drugs out of his townhouse next door, as well as pimping out prostitutes. All this came to light to me on Sunday when I reported my missing keys to the Super. I knew about the drugs, but not the girls. He's being evicted at the end of the month, he hasn't paid rent for 3 months. So, I had thought that the roommate who came by, took my keys so they could break into my place & make off with my stuff. I told the Super about what happened, he called a locksmith to come by 1st thing Monday morning. When I came home from work on Monday at suppertime, the Super came by with my lost keys. He found them on the way to the laundry room. I had done laundry on Sunday, forgot my keys, got Mark to get them for me. He got them, but he also got the 2nd set and dropped them, not knowingly, on the way to the laundry room. I was so relieved!! So Jeff didn't take my keys at all. On a positive note, I have my tix to go see the Twilight Saga: New Moon on Thursday night at the midnight showing of it. I can't wait!! I've been waiting since March for this movie when they started filming it (Mar 23). I pre-bought them, so I will get to the movie theatre really early to wait in line with everybody else. It's going to be a mad-house with a bunch of excited teenage girls (& their mothers, probably) They are also screening the 1st Twilight movie before New Moon, I may see that, as I didn't see it last year when it was in theatres, but sitting for 4 hours will be rough on my butt, not to mention my bladder.
Anyway, that's what's been going on this past weekend with me. Oh, I almost forgot...I'm now a member of the Black Hat Society. Thanks for accepting me into your online hearth. I'm still getting my page together, adding photos, joining groups, adding new friends. I think I will have a great time with them.
I found this on Confessions of a Kitchen Witch. It was my first time hearing this group...I think I have a new favorite. Thanks, to Jennifer for sharing this. Enjoy!! )O(
Well, so far November is going by without a hitch. I went to the Witch's Ball last weekend, met a lot of great folks there. See posting below about it. Had a really great time!!
Found a few more blogs to follow, as if I need to follow anymore, but I can't resist. I hope to be adding more Buttons to my new Button scroll thingie **Thanks, Bella** So, if you have a button,let me know, I'll add it. Speaking of Blog Buttons, I think it's time for me to update mine. Now that I have a more fitting picture up top, I should have a button that reflects that, right?? I found a new (to me) online Pagan shop. It's called Sacred Mists Shoppe. They have a ton of wonderful goodies for sale. From altar supplies, to clothing to bath & body, even mineral makeup. I want one of everything they have...no, seriously, I do. I ordered some silver & gold mini candles, as I find them hard to find at a good price, and I also ordered a Yule altar basket. They take PayPal, which is great. I also found while surfing on eBay, 2 Celestial mini candle holders and a purple & black Pentacle altar cloth. These are my Yule gifts to myself.
I've also been doing some major housecleaning in my BOS. You see, a while back I was given a lot of pages (a couple hundred, approx.) that my so-called "mentor" printed off for me. All she did was Google a ton of stuff and did it up in a 3-ring binder. I knew what she did, but being a nice person, I didn't call her out on it when I should have. So, for the past day, I've been going through what she gave me (what a waste of good paper, not very Pagan of such wastage to deceive) and tossing most of it in the recycling bin. A lot of it repeated itself, repeatedly. Recycle. Since I received this "gift" around Imbolc last year, there was a lot of Imbolc stuff that, again, repeated itself. With all that repeating, she should've been more careful proof-reading what she was passing off to me, right?? That was how I knew she was Googling. So about 80% of what she gave me is now going to be recycled & made into new products that would serve a better purpose than what she intended for me.
I found a great book over the summer that I'm finally getting a chance to read now. I got behind with my reading when I was momentarily caught up in an "eMance" with a guy I met online. I should've listened to my gut about him, but nooooo, I had to lose myself over a wee bit of testosterone. Anyway, I digress. This book is called "Faery Magick" by Sirona Knight. I love it so far, and I just started it last night. I'm about 1/2 way through it already. It has some really great ways to build a faery circle, spells, rituals to attract different faeries to you, as well as tales about the Wee Folk. If you're into the Fae, I do recommend this book.
Anyhoo, I have to get going, I have witchy things to do around the house, things to pick up at Little Mysteries and finish my errands I have to get done on my day off. No rest for the "wicked", huh??
Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch, be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields
So, I went to the Witch's Ball on Saturday night. I was a little hesitant about going, as I was going solo. It was a costume ball at a quaint little bar in downtown Halifax, called the Seahorse Tavern. It's located in bar-central, in the basement of a restaurant. It is known as Halifax's oldest bar.
I dressed as a witch...but a classy witch. I wore my little black dress, my cloak, pointy hat and ankle boots. I felt a little out of my comfort zone, as the dress is a wee bit low-cut, so there was boobage. I wore my favourite pentacle on a long chain. My hair was big, the eyelashes were on, lips were red. If you saw me, you'd think I was just another party-goer going downtown for some fun (which I was), except for the pointy witchy hat.
The ball started at 9pm, I arrived a little after 10pm. I felt awkward, not knowing if there would be anyone I knew that would be there. I didn't see anyone at first, but then my facebook friend, Lisa came over to the door. I remembered that she told me she would be in a toga. I said hi & told her who I was. We hugged and ended up hanging out all night. She introduced me to members of her coven & her High Priestess.
There were about 5 bands playing that night. That first was a techno (??) type duo who were speaking their lyrics to heavy beats. When they finished, there was a belly dancer who did 2 numbers to Loreena McKennitt music. After she was finished, another band came on, they played a salsa/zydeco type rhythm music. They had a lot more people on the dance floor. You could feel the energy rising in the whole bar. About half of the attendees were in costume, some were very creative (the wolfman dude was cool).
I met a whole bunch of new Pagans. They were so nice. We shared our stories about how we came to our path in life, and just some general girl talk (guys, clothes, etc). While we sat at the booth chatting, there was a fire-eater performing. Things got a bit touchy with her set, as the bar has a low ceiling, but thankfully there was no fire. After she finished, a Sudanese drum band came out. They were awesome!!! Talk about rhythm in the place. All you could see was a full bar of dancing Pagans. Loved it!! I did leave during the last band, as it was already around 2am and this witch isn't used to staying up that late.
All in all, I had a blast!! The people I met were genuine, nice and now friends on facebook.
So, I'm debating about going to the Witch's Ball this weekend. I want to go, but funds are a wee bit tight, as it is in between pay cheques and I just paid rent. This week I've been living off my tips in the salon, but work hasn't been busy this week, so what I do get affords me milk & bread every couple of days and bus fare to get to & from work, oh yeah lunch, too. I hate being broke...it sucks.
I really want to get out there to meet my fellow Pagans in the city, but then again...are they all going to be college-age fluffy bunnies who just want to play dress up?? There's not a lot here in Halifax, in terms of anything Pagan. The Nova Scotia Pagan Alliance (NSPA) holds monthly meetings, I go when I can (when my son is at his dad's), but the majority of the people who attend these are college-age....there a a couple of older people who go, but I find the topics a bit mundane. There are pub meets that another group puts on, but they hold them on the first Wednesday night of the month, either here in Halifax or across the harbour in Dartmouth. I don't know about you, but I can't go to a pub in the middle of the week when I have to work the next morning. Needless to say, I haven't been to one of their meet 'n greets. There are public rituals held on the Sabbats, but I don't feel comfortable sharing a ritual with people who don't fully appreciate the meanings & symbolism. I do want to get out there in the Pagan community, but I'm at a loss as to how to go about doing it.
Maybe I will save up my tips these next couple of days and get all gussied up in my finest Witchiness & go. I could cast a spell on the bartender so I can get free drinks........n'ah, that's not ethical, but it would be fun ;-)
Come out to Halifax's oldest bar, The Seahorse Tavern, for this annual pagan community celebration. See old friends and make new ones. Bring your singing voice and your dancing shoes. As usual the event presents top-shelf entertainment from the rich local music scene and PRIZES from our business partners.
*Must be at least 19 years of age!
KOJO: Traditional Sudanese dance music on kalembes and drums. Kojo is a renowned group and has featured in the Halifax Jazz Festival. ZUMBINI CIRCUS: Brazilian samba band. Think Carnivale indoors. Big Drums, accordion, guitar. Phollop Willing PA: Prog Rock featuring Phil Walling on synths, theremin and vocals and David Rimmington on clarinet and vocals.
Dance / Burlesque / Fire:
Haleigh Sheehan Angela Darabaka
I think I might attend this. There's gonna be a lot of the Pagan community out that night, a good place to connect with fellow Pagans.
I know a lot of people this week are feeling a bit out of sorts. Between celebrating Samhain and the time change (here in N.America), I don't blame them. We just celebrated the New Year, visited with our ancestors and had the most joyous few weeks in a while. It's like we all got hyped up on getting things ready for the Sabbat, from house cleaning, decorating, preparing things, we may have run ourselves a bit thin.
This is what I like to refer to as the Post-Samhain Letdown (PSL). Actually, this can happen after many of the Sabbats, depending how much work & effort you put into preparing for them. I know some who get this way after Beltaine. The excitement is gone for another year, decorations are being put away and you feel this emptiness. Don't worry, it's only a temporary thing, it will go away. It's kind of like going through Samhain withdrawals, but without the shakes, night sweats, etc. You feel tempted to raid your child's treat bag for that little sugar rush, to remind you of the excitement. Don't do it, put the candy bar down & move slowly from the bag!!
Samhain coincided this year with the time change, here in North America. Talk about getting all wonky on top of the PSL. Sure you get that extra hour of sleep, but it does take a bit to get used to a whole hour difference. That makes some, me included, a little discombobulated. I have no problem with jet-lag when I travel, but a whole hour difference throws me into a tailspin. Not a good combination with PSL & the time changing. Move away from that candy bar!!
Try not to let things get you down, ok?? I've been keeping busy this week with work, blogging, my son, etc. I haven't had a moment to dwell on the whole "Samhain is over for another year", as well as a recent break-up (long story, not going there). I've been meditating each night to relax after my day is over. Been catching up on my reading that I neglected when involved with my "ex".
So, try to keep yourself busy, don't let things get overwhelming. Go for a long walk, reconnect with the Goddess, meditate, take long relaxing baths (with the door locked so no one can disturb you), get you hair done. Just know that PSL is only a short-term thing that won't last long.
Ok, I follow a wonderful blog called Mother Moon's Message. She has this really great giveaway this month. Handmade Runes that she & her husband made from a willow tree. I'm posting the link to her blog so you can enter a chance to win these at the end of the month. I think these are great!! I just got my first set of Runes a couple of weeks ago.
Ok, you may have noticed a few changes. Let me know what you think. I changed up the Title Banner, not sure yet if I like it.. Leave me some feedback, please.
November was the ninth month in the oldest Roman calendar. In the Celtic tradition this was the beginning of a new year. The Celtic year ended on the eve before Samhain and began again on the day after. They considered it a Moon month of beginnings and endings and many still do.
The goddess Hecate had many celebrations though out the year. November 16 was known as the Night of Hecate, the Three -formed. Hecate is part of the most ancient form of the triple Moon goddess as Crone or Dark Moon: Artemis was the Crescent Moon and Selene the Full moon. Most of Hecate's worship, and especially on this night, was performed in a three way crossroad at night. Food was left there as an offering to her. She was known to rule the passages of life and transformation, birth and death. Her animals were the toad, the owl, the dog and the bat.
Moon Names: Snow Moon, Dark Moon, Fog Moon, Beaver Moon, Mourning Moon, Blotmonath (Sacrifice Month), Herbistmonoth (Harvest Month), Mad Moon, Moon of Storms, Moon When Deer Shed Antlers.
Nature Spirits: subterranean faeries
Herbs: grains of paradise, verbena, betony, borage, cinquefoil, blessed thistle
Power Flow: Take root, prepare. Transformation. Strengthen communication with the god or goddess who seems closest to you.
According to the Old Farmers' Almanac, the full moon in November is the Full Beaver Moon. This was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter. It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon.
Happy November to you all!! I hoped that all you Samhain festivities were awesome. I know that here in my house it was. I'm a little exhausted with the trick or treating we did last night, my Samhain ritual and the time change.
November in my house is a time to rest after a busy last 2 months with Mabon & Samhain. This is when I take down all the decorations, tidy up and prepare for the upcoming Yule season. It is also the time when, here in Canada, we remember our fallen heroes on the 11th.
November is also when I start my holiday baking. This year, I'll be making my favorite shortbread recipe, which I may post on here...not sure, it's my "secret" family recipe, I'll be making my mom's chocolate chip cookies, chocolate macaroon cookies, molasses cookies, etc. I also pull out the slow cooker to make boiled dinners, a family tradition in my house since I was a kid. I usually make chicken stews, beef stews, corned beef & cabbage. I may even be making my homemade chilli. Comfort food to warm up our bones when the temperature drops.
As much as most of you out there hate this...snow will soon be falling. I, personally, love the snow in winter. From the howling of a Nor'easter to the gentle falling of snow at night time, I love it!! To see the snow on the branches first thing in the morning is a sight to behold.
Wanna know what else I love about this month?? The Twilight Saga: New Moon is out on the 20th!! Yes, I love me some Edward Cullen. I have 3 weeks to wait til I get to see this movie. I've been following it on other blogs since they started filming it back in March. You can say I'm a little obsessed.
So, this ends my into to November. May you all be rested up this month for the soon-to-be-here Solstice/Yule/Christmas season. Remember, it's only 51 days 'til Solstice.